Monday, November 12, 2007

Hello to all,

Thanksgiving approaches and I am again reminded how blessed I am to have such wonderful people in my life. I want to thank you all for being a part of my life, and helping me grow and move forward. I believe deep in my heart that we are all here to be there for each other on this planet for a moment or years, to pass information, knowledge, wisdom and love. I personally have gained so much from all of you.
In September when I made the transition to work out of my home, it truly opened up my life to many other ventures. I must say thank you to Nancy for letting me hone my skills while at her office and learn from her. She has a remarkable intuitive healing quality, along with a many years of experience.
As some of you know I have been involved with a new business venture called Zrii.

Zrii is an Ayurvedic nutraceutical supplement drink, which was formulated by the team of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced for over 5,000 years. This product was made specifically to be administered on a daily basis to all three doshas. Zrii is endorsed whole-heartedly by the Chopra Center. As I have gotten involved with Zrii, it has certainly turned my world around, not just with this nutritional drink, but with the entire mind, body, spirit and intelligence surrounding it. In a sense, I feel like I just woke up. It has led me to the “Alliance for humanity”, I was fortunate to attend the Green Festival this past weekend where I heard Deepak Chopra speak. I was, again, deeply moved by his wisdom of the planet and human beings and how we can co-exist in a healthier way.
I will not go into all of the information I was given. But I will share with you the websites where you can, if you wish to, learn more about our species and our world.
So, now that the holidays are here and if you are looking for some stocking stuffers I will be carrying Suzanne Elliot’s wonderful products and I will also have gift certificates for massage sessions.
If you would like to learn more about Zrii please contact me at, also please check out my website
Peace and good health to you all and enjoy the holidays,
